Wednesday, 27 September 2017

ROM OFFICIAL 7 1 1 crDroid v2 4

ROM OFFICIAL 7 1 1 crDroid v2 4

crDroid is designed to increase performance and reliability over stock Android for your device also attempting to bringing many of the best features existent today. Were mainly based on CyanogenMod so use custom kernels compatible with them!

Pixel look and feel.
CyanogenMod 14.1 - all mods and features
StatusBar: Network Traffic
StatusBar: SU icon toggle
StatusBar: Ticker
StatusBar: Hide/Show icons
StatusBar: BatteryBar customization
StatusBar: Battery styles
StatusBar: Tap to Sleep
StatusBar: Clock styles
StatusBar: crDroid logo customization
QuickSettings: Tiles customization
QuickSettings: Brightness slider toggle
QuickSettings: Optional brightness icon
QuickSettings: Vibrate on Touch
QuickSettings: WiFi easy toggle
QuickSettings: Bluetooth easy toggle
QuickSettings: Data easy toggle
Navigation: Toggle navbar
Navigation: PIE navigation
Navigation: DUI - SmartBar / Fling Toggle
Navigation: Pulse - smart visualization
Notifications: Power notification controls
Notifications: Force expanded notifications
Notifications: Toggle immersive mode messages
Notifications: Breathing notifications
Notifications: Headsup Snooze
Notifications: Headsup Timeout customization
LockScreen: Screen shortcuts
LockScreen: Toggle longpress for screen shortcuts
LockScreen: Swipe shortcuts
LockScreen: Toggle media cover art
LockScreen: Toggle clock
LockScreen: Toggle date
LockScreen: Toggle alarm
LockScreen: Tap to sleep
LockScreen: Toggle longpress torch
LockScreen: Cutomize number of notifications
LockScreen: Toggle power menu for secure lockscreen
Recents: Immersive Recents
Recents: Hidden apps
Recents: Toggle OmniSwitch as default Recents
Sound: Toggle screenshot sound
Sound: Live customization for number of volume steps
Sound: Less frequent notification sounds
Sound: DND customizations
Miscellaneous: Clock Widget
Miscellaneous: Expanded Desktop customization
Miscellaneous: Transparency customization
Miscellaneous: Partial / Full screenshot selection option
Miscellaneous: Toggle suggestions on Settings dashboard
Miscellaneous: Toggle summaries in Settings
Miscellaneous: Toggle auto-start music player on headset detection
Settings/Sound: Increasing Ringtone
12 New Quick Settings Tiles including Caffeine mode, Expanded Desktop and Sync.
Settings/Security: Quick PIN/Password Unlock
Default sounds from latest Nexus image.
Stability and performance improvements.

where working on getting more features but only if the rom stays stable
if you have a request please ask on our G+ site

Always Have a full functional Backup. Just in case!


Device and kernel trees

First time installing crDroid to your Harpia, or coming from another ROM:- Make sure youre running a proper working Recovery (CWM or TWRP)
- Copy GApps and crDroid zip to your external SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Wipe system,data and cache
- Flash crDroid zip
- Flash GApps zip
- Reboot

Upgrading from earlier version of crDroid:- Copy crDroid ZIP to your external SDCard
- Boot into Recovery
- Wipe system and cache
- Flash crDroid zip
- Flash Gapps
- Reboot

Dont expect any support if you:
- are not running stock crDroid-kernel
- have installed any mods such as Xposed!
- have modified system files

Thanks to:

- Google
- CyanogenMod
- SlimRoms
- OmniRom
- NamelessROM
- Many others... (if youre feeling upset being out of the thanks list just send a PM ) 

XDA:DevDB Information
crDroid for Moto G4 Play, ROM for the Moto G4 Play

Subhrajyoti Sen 
Source Code:

ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat

Version Information
Status: Stable

Created 2016-12-24
Last Updated 2017-03-19

download file now