Wednesday, 27 September 2017

ZenFone 6 Rooted System img file

ZenFone 6 Rooted System img file

Asus ZenFone 6 Pre rooted image file. This System.img file is build from latest WW version. Its clean and Neat, All application present no removed application.  All files is odex aditional with supersu.apk and binary we inject the super deamon su for Stability of Root.

Requirmetnts :

Asus Zenfone 6 Version .

The build is System.img only so your system is required to match the build version to system.img file
If you came from lower Version Then  you need to flash Boot.img fastboot.img recovery.img and other BIN files

Thsi is A test version because i dont have an Asus ZenFone 6  So please Comment below .
For manual Flash Follow this Command

fastboot flash system.img

 Download Links :

download file now